Marsh Center

Dane Cook – Marsh Center Director

Symposia Ideas Sought

What groups of researchers on campus would you like to see get together to share ideas?  Dr. Diffee says there are muscle physiologists spread out around campus that would benefit greatly by getting together.  Is there a controversial topic in your field of study that would spark debate?  Which experts of both sides of the issue would you bring in from both on and off campus?  Dr. Edwards points to an upcoming roundtable discussion that focuses on the vaccination of children.

The Marsh Committee has met to discuss the vision for the Marsh Center and the priorities for the first year.  One of our top priorities is to begin a symposium series to cover specific exercise and physical; activity topics.  These would be day-long symposia and depending on the topic could involve both poster and oral communications as well as break-out sessions.  Therefore, we invite you to give us your ideas on what topics you would like to see highlighted.

Submit your ideas via the contact forms on the right.

A. Overview, Context, and Historical Background:  Recognizing the generous bequest from Virginia Harrison-Marsh and William Hector Marsh, the Department of Kinesiology will create and establish the Marsh Center.  The bequest, established in 1998, affords the Department of Kinesiology an excellent opportunity to  consider how its research and instructional mission can be enhanced and further defined.  The Marsh Center will promote research activities and education in the area of physical activity, exercise, and movement.  The Center also offers the opportunity to become a focal point for additional research grants, and will assist the department in seeking other alumni support for research and instructional support.

B.  Administration:  The leadership of the Marsh Center will be housed in the Department of Kinesiology.  The Center will be led by a steering committee made up of the Marsh Center Director, the Department Chair, the Marsh Professor, one other faculty member, and an academic staff member.  The decisions of the steering committee are ultimately subject to the approval of the Kinesiology Executive Committee.  It should however be noted that though the Marsh Center is located in the Department of Kinesiology, its focus should be in fostering collaborative research and education campus-wide.

The Marsh Center Director will receive one 3-credit course release per semester.  The Marsh Center Director should not also be the Department Chair, or the Marsh Professor.

The Marsh Center administrative resources include a general administrator of Center activities and a grants manager.

C.  Program Issues:  The Marsh Center will promote its mission in a number of ways.  First will be the establishment of the Marsh Fellowship.  This competitive fellowship will be awarded to a student (doctoral students given preference) in the Department of Kinesiology whose research proposal is chosen on its merits concerning physical activity, exercise, and movement.

The Center will also host symposia to promote and encourage research collaboration campus-wide.

The Center will fund “pilot projects”, proposed by Kinesiology Faculty, and considered by the Steering Committee.

The Center will fund a grants manager to increase the competitive edge for extramural funding.

The Center will promote continued interest in its mission by funding undergraduate research.

The Center will contribute to departmental publication fees and travel expenses.

D.  Budget:  The Marsh Center fund, administered through UWF, currently has a market value of approximately $3,500,000.  The Marsh Center expenditures will not exceed its annual income, which is currently ~ $145,000.

E.  Personnel:  The Marsh Center Steering Committee will consist of five members, the Center Director, the Department Chair, the Marsh Professor, a faculty member, and an academic staff member.    The Marsh Center Director will be eligible to serve two consecutive two-year terms.  The faculty and academic staff members will be nominated and elected by the Department on an annual basis.

F.  Timeline and Reporting:  Each year, the Steering Committee will prepare a report summarizing the activities and expenditures of the prior year.  Every ten years there will be a review of the Center’s activities and effectiveness.